Mathäa Mollenhauer

Matthäa Mollenhauer


Matthäa is a Yoga and Meditation teacher, based in Berlin. Her Vinyasa classes teach intuitive movement with a strong emphasis on body- mind-connection, including pranayama and meditation.
She is guiding her students through a safe practice, respecting the body’s boundaries and working on a clean alignment, but still incorporating challenging sequences, to make students feel the power of their own body. Matthäa's greatest passion is the pure essence of Yin. Creating a safe space for students to surrender into the softness of body and mind, working in tune with the Meridians and practicing Acupressure based on TCM.

- 300h YTT Hatha & Vinyasa Flow, Yoga ist Berlin
- Pre- & Postnatal Yoga teacher training, 

- 100h Yin Yoga &Yoga therapy, Bali
- 20h Yoga & Hormones, Berlin
- 50h Mindful Sequencing, Yoga On The Move

- 200h YTT Hatha & Vinyasa Flow

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